Camila ECHAVARRIA (Colombia 1980 -)

Exhibited by


In the series bar codes, the jungle and nature of her native country in South America have inspired her work. Her artistic reflections have been deeply influenced by plants of significant importance to her region, such as Ceibas, Wax Palms, Guayacanes, Yarumos and Heliconias.

Echavarría, imagines nature that grows in unthinkable places. She’s best known for her unthinkable, and unimaginable creations that merge opposite concepts. Her works are based on nature, the simplification of shapes, repetitions and Fibonacci serie.

The artist creates a world influenced by the natural sorroundings that has captivated her since childhood, and her current fascination with the relationship between birds and plants.

Camila Echavarria (b.1980) lives and works in Medellin, Colombia. She was educated as Product Designer at the EAFIT School in Medellin, and has worked with the medium since 2006.Artist’s
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